Here are five reasons why you need a Plant Maintenance Company:
You may think that you know enough to water a plant. It is easy, right? The list below will help you determine why it is helpful to hire plant professionals.

No. 1 Design To Your Style
If you have just moved into a new office or home or you just had not gotten around to plants yet, our expertise will help you make the right choices. We will do a complete evaluation of space and light levels and then factor in your style and budget and make our recommendations for not just plants but appropriate containers as well. This saves you all the hassle of choosing container sizes and picking plants that cannot thrive where you want them. Once everything is chosen, we handle the installation.

(Javier's in La Jolla, CA)
No. 2 Rotation Guarantee
We have what we call “rotation guarantee” to protect your investment. We GUARANTEE that all your plants look exactly the way they did the day they were planted. Too leggy, grew too tall for your space, old and tired? We have you covered! Your plant will be replaced free of charge with a new one.
No. 3 Consistency
Plants need consistency. Our once a week maintenance provides that and our technicians take into account seasonal changes such as heaters and air conditioning that may alter the plants’ needs.

(LBA Realty in Irvine, CA)
No. 4 Less Stress
It is one less thing to think about! You have enough to do without remembering to water, rotate containers, fertilize, clean the top dressing, and pick off the dead leaves. Let us do the dirty work!

(Orange County, CA Residence)
No. 5 Sit Back and Enjoy!
Having beautifully maintained plants and trees in your office and home (with no worry on your part) has been proven to improve your mood and relieve stress and anxiety. Human beings generally feel happier and more optimistic in surroundings with plenty of plants!

Did we convince you?
Feel free to call us at 714-850-9227 to schedule an appointment. We service all of Orange and Los Angeles counties. With 40 years’ experience you need look no further… we are the pros at Plant Maintenance.